I am on board with everything on your list, and also exhausted just thinking about it, and wondering if it's better just to step outside with a cup of coffee, listen to the birds—for hours—and just let it all tumble down and go to heck behind me! 😆

(Also, compliments on your writing expertise, Kate. Pedantic me couldn't help but notice your perfectly hyphenated multiple-word adjectives haha, and your engaging writing style!)

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Thanks Don, it makes me so happy to know my own grammatical pedantry is being appreciated!

I am definitely on board with your approach, but paradoxically, feeling motivated to make lots of changes to my life at this time of year is often a sign that I've been restored and rejuvenated by a summer of taking things more slowly. The rhythms of the academic year - long summer, followed by a fresh start with new stationery, new activities, new things to learn - are deeply ingrained. The motivation won't last! The trick is not to reprimand myself when it seeps away and just accept that it's time to slow down again and spend hours staring into the fire instead (metaphorically speaking, sadly, since I don't have a fireplace).

Thanks for reading!

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Oh yeah, that reminds me; I loved your fresh notebook metaphor!

And yes, I could read the acceptance of which you speak within your essay. That you understand you’re grabbing and using the energy now with the knowledge and acceptance that not following through with everything on your list is not a failure. It’s just the way things are.

I was sort of joking. I am not actually letting everything tumble down behind me as I drink coffee and listen to the birds. That’s a dream ha ha!

I love your writing, Kate, and always feel excited when I see that you’ve published something new 💚

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I couldn't have put it better myself and I'm so glad that came across. I was briefly worried I might have implied I was setting myself ambitious productivity goals which is not a mindset I wish to endorse!

And it makes me very happy to hear that - I feel the same way about your writing!

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Sep 16Liked by Kate Brook

Your list takes me back to the first class of Life With Full Attention: get the things done, master the masteries, free head space for all that other important stuff. Inspiring ! X

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I hadn't even made that connection but you're totally right. 'Finishing your cycles' too. The desire to put things in order definitely feels like it comes from a desire to free up space. I might be being a bit ambitious with this list however, haha

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Sep 16Liked by Kate Brook

It does seem ambitious, but you have the clarity that these are not tasks to be done in a day; nor in a week. But whenever you get to the bottom of them you will get that high feeling of satisfaction!

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I love your autum resolutions! I'm also someone who likes to make a lot of to-do lists, and while I definitely don't end up doing them all, I always get at least half of them done! It's still very satisfying though. Wishing you a wonderful fall!

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Thank you! Yes, rationally I know there's no way I'll achieve them all, but I love the sense of possibility and excitement that comes with half-believing that I could.

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And while you’re doing all that, why not add “saving the world from climate catastrophe?”

Personally, I’mma gonna follow Don’s advice and just take a cuppa coffee outside right now. Then take a nap.

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Haha! Well, I prefer to keep to things I have half a chance of achieving. That said, I know there's no way I'll *actually* achieve them all, and tbh, much of this is tongue in cheek! I just enjoy the sense of renewal and industry and enthusiasm that often strikes me at this time of year. It's usually a sign I've had a restful summer and am ready to transition into a new part of the yearly cycle.

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Totally with you, Kate! The line of singleton socks draped over the back of the couch for family inspection *will* find mates by nightfall. Pinky promise.

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I am so inspired after reading your post. I'm going to make time and write my list today!!! Come January, we'll be sooo ahead of ourselves!

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I am going to renew my 6months expired passport.

I am going to use that wall pilates app 5 days a week.

I am going to comment on 5 substack articles daily.

I am going to plan my articles for October.

I am going to get my posts scheduled a week in advance.

oh wait...these are things I am DOING. Yay Me!

That's the cool thing about mindfulness. When you start doing things like deep breathing while paying attention to the soap and bubbles for the 15 seconds you wash your hands, the stuff you intended to get done just sort of happens. (except for the laundry folding and putting away...that one always seems to take a few extra days of digging through the clean clothes basket to find what you want again).

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This is a great list! I particularly like the idea of seeing weekend cleaning as a reset rather than a chore. I wonder if that mindset might make me dread it less? Not sure. I also agree that 5 weeks is a good chunk of time to be away, not too big not too little:). Welcome back.

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